A heartwarming celebration
Thank You for Your Kindness!
Collaborative on Housing for Health
Celebrating ICL’s Impact
Deena’s Story of Hope and Recovery
Emerson-Davis Family Center Featured on CBS New York
Emerson-Davis: An Innovative Model of Family Supportive Housing
Spring Gala: Thank You!
Medical Respite, 2024 Gala, “Coffee On Us,” and more
Celebrating a Workforce Investment, Expanding I/DD Services, and more
Medical Respite Offers Hope and Healing
“I am on a path to a better me.”
Giving Thanks, Veterans Month and More
ICL’s New Step-Down Model
Recovering with ICL
Family Reunification Advocacy, Nevins in Newsweek and more
New ICL Policy Paper: Barriers to Reunification
Pride month, Success at Nevins and more
Keeping Families Together
Our New Hope and Recovery Center Offers a Brighter Future
Check out our new Annual Report and more news
Advocating for Community-Based Services that Work
First-of-its-Kind Program for People Experiencing Street Homelessness
A home at ICL
ICL Making a Difference & Spreading Joy
People are the ❤ of ICL
Feeding the body and soul
Healing at the HUB and the Brooklyn Art Museum
A place to call home
I Meet Heroes Everyday
How we support children and families
Youth residences provide support for growth and independence
What a Little Respite Can Do…
How does art heal?
Introducing Jody Rudin, ICL’s New CEO