“Homecoming” is a word that has a special meaning to veterans returning to family and friends. Re-establishing emotional connections and a personal role with family and community after significant time away from home may require ongoing support and assistance. ICL has a special place in its heart for those who serve our country and demonstrated our support this past Veteran’s Day.
On Monday, November 11, 2013, staff and residents from both ICL’s Borden Avenue Veteran’s Residence (BAVR) and ICL Supportive Services for Veterans and their Families (SSVF) also known as the Path Home program, proudly marched in the 2013 New York City Veterans Day Parade, also known as “America’s Parade. This year’s parade focused on “Female veterans and women in the military”.
According to the New York Daily News about 20,000 people are expected to march in the parade, representing 200 groups, including veterans, bands and youth groups.
While the parade honors all veterans, America’s Parade this year gave a nod to women who’ve served their country and retired Army Gen. Ann Dunwoody, the first female four-star general, served as the grand marshal.
In this season of giving thanks, lets remember that who have and are serving our country and thank a veteran.