Keeping Families Together

For a child, having one loving parent is the key to lifelong success. Zach Moore knows that: his mother Diane did everything she could to make his life better. Diane overcame great challenges—she had a 25-year history of psychiatric hospitalization and institutionalization— to provide stability and love for Zach. “I was her priority. She wanted to be well for me,” he says. ICL was there to support them.

When Zach was a baby, he and his mother moved to our Emerson-Davis Family Center, a residence for single parents experiencing homelessness and mental health concerns who are seeking to regain custody of their children or at high risk for losing custody. It is one of a few such programs in the country.

At Emerson, case management, counseling, parenting skills training, employment services, and childcare were tailored to meet Diane and Zach’s needs. “ICL gave her stability,” To Diane’s great credit and spirit of determination, she did not need to be hospitalized ever again.

Staff also ensured that Zach had fun childhood experiences and opportunities. “There was a playroom where we had games and tutors who helped with schoolwork. And staff would take us to play at the park,” Zach recalls.

Today Zach, 24, is thriving. He works in sales at a finance company while earning his civil engineering degree. “I realize today how hard my mom worked to give me the most normal childhood she could,” he concludes.