In The Media

NASW/NYC Recognizes Two ICL Leaders

We’re very pleased to announce that two ICL executive leaders are being honored by the National Association of Social Workers -NYC for their contributions to the field. They are being recognized at the group’s Annual Awards Banquet on December 7th.

Carmen Collado, LCSW-R, ICL Chief Networking and Relationship Officer, was chosen as Top Social Worker Leader for building collaborations and partnerships throughout communities and for her leadership in advancing cultural competence and policies and practices through a diversity lens. Carmen’s commitment and passion have helped advanced the profession of social work, by supporting leadership opportunities for people of all backgrounds and encouraging others to serve as mentors and teachers.

David Kamnitzer, LCSW-R, ICL Senior Vice President/Chief Clinical Officer, was chosen to receive a Mid-Career Leadership Award for his leadership in residential services and his exceptional attention to issues of severe trauma and the challenges of marginalized communities.  Teacher and author, David is a mentor to so many and brings intelligence, compassion and good humor to all of his work.

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About Institute for Community Living

It is Institute for Community Living’s (ICL) mission to help New Yorkers with behavioral health challenges live healthy and fulfilling lives by providing comprehensive housing, health care, and recovery services. We take a trauma-informed approach—meeting the people we serve wherever they are, working together to support them in achieving their goals.

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